Meet My Illustrator, ELIZA HSU CHEN!

I am beyond thrilled to introduce you to my lovely and talented illustrator for my upcoming chapter book, Brandon Goes to Beijing (Bĕijīng北京), Eliza Hsu Chen!  

Eliza is a graphic designer as well as an illustrator. Born to Taiwanese parents in Brazil, she was raised in Paraguay, and then moved to Miami when she was six. Her love for art grew during her years at Design and Architecture Senior High where she majored in architecture. She received the Posse scholarship and earned a bachelors in graphic design and marketing from Syracuse University. Impressive, right?!?!

In her downtime, she enjoys baking and visiting different cafés. When it comes to her art, Eliza is skilled in several mediums, but she especially enjoys painting with watercolors.

She specializes in food photography, too! Yum!

Eliza also loves to travel all around the world and hopes to visit Beijing one day, just like Brandon in Brandon Goes to Beijing (Bĕijīng北京)!

I am so excited to be working with Eliza and can’t wait until Brandon Goes to Beijing (Bĕijīng北京) comes out! I know you will all be super impressed by her illustrations. They really help bring the story to life! You’ll see! In the meantime, if you would like to learn more about Eliza and see some of her work, please visit her website at:

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