In honor of my grandmother and all of the fabulous women we know who have endured this disease and the treatment — Brandon and I have teamed with Mount Sinai/Comprehensive Cancer Center to create “Cancer Care Baskets” for breast cancer patients being treated in South Florida to help them feel more comfortable during this difficult time in their lives.
You can sponsor as many baskets as you would like: $40 each (or $20 to co-sponsor) and I’ll cover the balance and do the rest.
1. Venmo me at Eugenia-Chu; or
2. Paypal your donation to chueugenia@yahoo.com
These baskets include:
- ❤️aluminum free deodorant
- ❤️alcohol free mouth rinse that soothes mouth sores (EWG certified)
- ❤️fluoride free toothpaste (EWG certified)
- ❤️silky scarf
- ❤️comfy socks
- ❤️water bottle (BPA free)
- ❤️playing cards
- ❤️tissues
- ❤️crossword or word find puzzles
- ❤️pen
- ❤️wet wipes
- ❤️gum
- ❤️inspirational notebook
- ❤️calendar/appointment book
- ❤️stress ball
- ❤️ BK’s Mommy has Breast Cancer, by Marquita Goodluck and illustrated by Theresa Stites (upon request)
- ❤️ A discount on The Original Grace Relief Breast Cancer Pillow
And now, for a limited time:
❤️ Color Street dry nail polish strip sample, nail file and cuticle stick from Carol Nguyen of Carol’s Nail Tribe & Co
I am THRILLED to announce that Brandon and I are collaborating with not 1, but 4, amazing people on our Cancer Care Baskets:
(1) Payal Bawa Kapoor has generously donated gorgeous luxurious pashminas and super comfy socks to our baskets!

(2) Carol Nguyen of Carol’s Nail Tribe & Co has donated these gorgeous Color Street dry nail polish strips, as well as nail files and cuticle sticks! They are long lasting, have no smell, are non-irritating and so easy to use! You can check them out for yourselves at: www.colorstreet.com/CarolDN

(3) Charissa Bates, Triple Negative Breast Cancer survivor, mother and author, donated several copies of three of her books:
- We Find Joy, a picture book where (and how) a family finds joy after their mom is diagnosed with cancer. Includes tips from Charissa’s kiddos. Uplifting and powerful picture book.
- Cancer Messed with the Wrong Family “Create your own story” book, where kids write and illustrate their own book! Charissa lists ideas and prompts to help kids get started. What an amazing idea to keep kids busy, help them appreciate and find joy, and to give them an outlet to express themselves during this toughest of times.
- Standstill, a memoir sharing Charissa’s story from first learning she had cancer to conquering Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Charissa is my hero and was sweet enough to send me my own copy of this book ❤️
Such wonderful books for the whole family. Check out all of Charissa’s books at: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Charissa-Bates/author/B0B21V1MLR

(4) Breast cancer survivor, mother of three and author, Marquita Goodluck, provided us with her book, BK’s Mommy has Breast Cancer. This book is based on factual interactions with the author’s children, mainly her 7 year old son, BK – this story is actually told in his voice. I have to tell you, this book made me tear up, especially when I read about all the things BK did to make his mommy feel better. All young children of breast cancer patients and their parents should read this book – it will help explain to little ones the whole breast cancer journey in easy to understand and non-scary terms, and will give them ideas on how they can help. If you’re interested, you can purchase this book at: https://www.amazon.com/Bks-Mommy-Has-Breast-Cancer/dp/0692195807.

(5) Darlene, the creator of “The Original Grace Relief Breast Cancer Pillow,” has offered a 10% discount on these amazing and beautiful pillows which provide relief for those who have undergone a mastectomy or lymph node removal. If you know anyone who is having these procedures done, check out this site and all the 5 star reviews: http://etsy.com/shop/GraceDesignCo.

In the past, we have also had donations from:
Jennifer Tse and her organization, WIN! Women in NAAAP (National Association of Asian American Professionals – Miami), who donated these beautiful pink purses, by Blingalicious Accessories! For more info about NAAAP: www.naaapmiami.org.

Grace Laundromat donated these beautiful and amazing smelling high quality hand sanitizers! You can get your own at: https://gracelaundromat.com

Shero USA donated these copper infused face masks! You can find them at: https://www.sherousa.com/collections/masks

The fabulous skin care specialist, Chris Kale Corcoran, donated the EVER Hydralift Moisture Injection Cream. The breast cancer patients were beyond excited and surprised to receive such a luxurious treat!

Brandon and I are so happy and feel so fortunate to be able to collaborate with such wonderful people! If you would like to donate anything to be included in our Cancer Care Baskets, please do not hesitate to contact us at eugenia@eugeniachu.com. Thank you!

THANK YOU to all the following wonderful sponsors who donated from their hearts (and wallets!) to bring a smile to a stranger’s face. The breast cancer patients receiving these baskets are always surprised, touched and thrilled by your generosity and thoughtfulness. 😘
- Cure Diva (31 baskets!!!) 😱😍❤️
PLATINUM SPONSORS (5-10 baskets) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️:
- Shero USA
- Amy Ryan
- Kacey Bennett Goldstein
- Dennis Gingrich
- Chinese Learning Center of Miami
- Melissa Lustbader
- Peter Matias Cejas
- Nithya Nagarajan
- Lauren Monks
- Monica Otero
GOLD SPONSORS (3-4 baskets) ❤️❤️❤️❤️:
- Angela Chu Tam
- Madeleine Prosperi
- Carmen Casadella
- Rachel Hecht Silverman
- Camila Quesada Sharpe
- Becky Villareal
- YY Chan
SILVER SPONSORS (2 baskets) ❤️❤️:
- Rose Lubin
- Gina Zanardelli
- Lourdes Latour
- Jim White
- Renee Woodward Baciak
- Victoria T.D. Ficklin
- Harold Gerry
- Ileana Cruz-Bongini
- Franky Lucero
- Barbie Almeida
- Lianne Clark
- Kris Dopera Wertman
- Kristyn Schwartz
- Alex Carver
- Jessica Carden
- Maria LaPietra Guerrero
- My Brandon! 😍
- Helena Chu
- Kris Dopera Wertman
- Maritza M Mejia
- Tamarra Hay
- Elizabeth Beaton
- Merle Shama
- Nancy Goldstein
- Vish Malige
- Susan Chu
- Bins Latham
- Tim Hartmann
- Shante Hicks
- Vivian Blanco
- Hector Delrio (Gio)
- Norabeth Wiley
- Meisy Koo Chong
- Rina Liou
- Linda Hoang
- Juanita Chen
- Lan Wong
- Gregg Ormond
- Elena Ogorodnyk
- Bruce Arrington
- Pipe Dream Books
- Maryann Chu
- Laura Lockhart
- Michele Wong McSween
- Adore Neko Books
- Yanmei Li
- Amy Freed Stalzer
- Mike and Jaclyn Addeo
- BaKon Brands
- Tracy Guan
- Dorktales Storytime
AND thank you to all our unnamed sponsors who wish to remain anonymous! We know who you are and appreciate your generosity and big hearts! 😍
Finally, thank you to my caring friend, Lisa Blake Ament, who gave us the idea for this project and who does something similar for breast cancer patients in the Philadelphia area. She also supplies us with the wonderful Modere products for our baskets! 💕

If you are interested in starting a similar project in your area, would like to donate items for the baskets or have any questions about this project, please feel free to contact us at eugenia@eugeniachu.com. ❤️