In honor of children returning back to to school, all around the world, I’ve teamed up with 12 fabulous authors to give you 15 FREE Back-to-School eBooks! It’s always handy to have a library of books on hand, on the go. You never know when you might need them.
Go to https://linktr.ee/bookpromo to download ALL of them from Amazon! And remember to thank the authors by leaving a review on Amazon to let them know what you think. Happy reading!
To learn more about these authors and their books, check them out on FB at: @Carli Valentine-Children’s Book Author/Illustrator @sarahs.stories.2/ @beccimurray.childrensauthor @carolyn.w.dubisch @eugeniachuauthor @theannasmithers @onemoreexclamation @circle time books
Or on IG at: @carlivalentineauthor @sarah.taber2 @theannasmithers @becci_murray_author @artbycwdubisch @Eugeniachuauthor @francescawattauthor @Yychan_author @onemoreexclamation @joestarling.author @author.denisenicole @bruem_author @cazzycreates
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