A fascinating story. Simple words and adorable photographs. The perfect guide to inform your kids about Covid-19 without scaring them.
Margot and friends are back!!! This latest book by children’s author and nature photographer, Lieve Snellings from Belgium, stands out! A fable in which various animals explain what we can do against the spread of the coronavirus. Lieve photographed all the animals herself in Quebec, Canada.
From her previous books (and my previous reviews), we know that Lieve Snellings was inspired to become an author by her photography. Her stories take the traditional picture book experience and transforms it by replacing illustrations with her nature photography in which she adds whimsical touches. The result: so much cuteness that your kids (and maybe you, too) will return to her books over and over again!
In her fourth and most recent book, Why We Wear a Mask, Lieve writes about a topical theme: the corona virus protection measures. “At first I didn’t like that,” she says. “But during the second wave, I changed my mind. The fact that I worked at the Emergency Department in Gasthuisberg (Belgium) for 40 years did influence my choice. I could imagine how hectic the corona crisis must be in the hospital. That is why I wanted to do my bit by writing a children’s book about applying the measures. It became a story in which squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons, and groundhogs explain why it is so important to follow the imposed measures. In order not to scare children, I have written it refreshingly. Also in this fourth book, the photos have a touch of humor. I think that a picture book is a handy tool to talk to children about the measures against Covid-19 and still put a smile on their faces.”
Lieve Snellings hopes so much that this pandemic will be over soon and she can return to her partner in Quebec. It also is her desire to see and photograph these lovely backyard animals, the groundhog and squirrels, again.
Relatable, easy to understand and poignant, this book will show little ones how to stay healthy and how to help keep others healthy, too, during this horrible pandemic. Hearing advice from a squirrel doctor may even be more persuasive (and less scary) than from a human doctor! The little animal doctors even have a video conference with human doctors to learn and collaborate! The furry little cuties will explain why it is so important to wear masks in a way your little ones will understand. Seeing conscientious animals washing hands, distancing and wearing masks will encourage your littles to do the same. Here are a few pages from the book:

Other books by the author
- Margot Gets An Unexpected Visit: http://smarturl.it/e7uowx
- Groundhog Secrets – Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Woodchucks: http://smarturl.it/0psllg
- Time for Margot to Go to Bed: http://smarturl.it/e1mapx
- Why We Wear a Mask: http://smarturl.it/x1gr9v
Reviews Why We Wear a Mask: https://lievesnellings.wordpress.com/reviews-why-we-wear-a-mask/
If you want to learn more about Lieve and her books:
Website: https://lievesnellings.wordpress.com
Photo Art: http://lieve-snellings.pixels.com
Amazon Sale Page: https://www.amazon.com/author/snellings
Facebook Author Page: http://www.facebook.com/FotoBoekLieveSnellings
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14186089.Lieve_Snellings
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lievesnellings
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SnellingsLieve
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/lievesnellings
Wow! Thank you so much Eugenia for publishing this about my new book and your nice words!
My pleasure! I loved this book, as well as your others!