Great news for all you parents of babies and toddlers out there who want to expose your littles to Chinese at a young age! Peipei Zhou has come out with her second Chinese song book! My reaction to this book is the same as to the first: “OMG, how awesome! I wish this book was around when my son was a baby/toddler!” I know lots of parents who have the first book have been waiting for this second one to come out – it’s here, it’s here!
Let me tell you why this book, like the first, is so amazing – it’s not just a book, it’s a: (1) board book; (2) song book with music and singing; (3) book with some of the most popular Chinese nursery rhymes and translated American nursey rhymes that you all know; (4) interactive toy; and (5) a bilingual book in English, Chinese and Pinyin pronunciation – all rolled into one awesome book! What a wonderful concept!
The author/singer is a mommy who created this book for her baby – she has a beautiful soothing voice and the songs brought me back to my childhood as well as when my son was a baby/toddler. My mom used to sing many of these songs to me when I was little – now I’m feeling nostalgic and am going to call her as soon as I finish this blog post to tell her about this book and to thank her for always singing to me and my siblings while we were growing up! And then, when my son was a baby, I remember rocking him and singing these songs to him while smelling his sweet head (hey, I know you guys did/do this, too!). When he got older, we sang these songs together! Ok, I’m starting to tear up now!
Music is so important for babies and children. It has been shown that listening to music helps children develop the ability to decode auditory data and sharpen their auditory memory – abilities which are fundamental to language comprehension. This book will help your kids learn Chinese without it feeling like a lesson.
The songs in this book are written in English with the Chinese and Pinyin pronunciation next to each phrase. Even if you can’t read Chinese, you can still sing along with the author by reading the Pinyin pronunciation. You will understand what you are singing/reading because the English is right there for you. This is also a fun and easier way to learn how to read the Chinese characters, too. As an added bonus, because this book is so sturdy and the song buttons are easy to push, your little ones can read/play with this book by themselves! Need a break for a few minutes? Give them this book!
I really can’t say enough good things about this book!
If you would like to check out or buy this book, you can find it at: